The Scripters’ Lounge
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<h1 style="text-align: center"><strong>Welcome to The Scripters' Lounge! </strong></h1>

Welcome to The Scripters' Lounge!

<h2><strong>About Us</strong></h2>

About Us

This website and online store were founded in 2024 by two old friends who wanted to share journaling with Egypt. A Trauma Psychotherapist and a Quality Assurance Manager partnered up to show Egypt a form of self-expression and make available all supplies. A hybrid of collaging, art, and writing.

banner image for The Scripters’ Lounge
banner image for The Scripters’ Lounge

banner image for The Scripters’ Lounge
banner image for The Scripters’ Lounge

Need more help?

We got you! Simply send us a message on our Instagram page ;)